

  1. That the name of the club be "Devonshire".
  2. That the colours be myrtle and white.
  3. That a captain, vice-captain, general secretary, team secretary, fixture secretary and treasurer be elected annually.
  4. Votes for officers only to be accepted from members present at a General Meeting.
  5. Committee to consist of 6 Club Members to include Captain, Vice-captain, Secretary, Treasurer and their assistants. Additions to make the number up to 6 to be elected annually.
  6. Annual subs to be as follows:-
    Juniors £10.00
    Seniors £15.00
    Subs due and payable by 31st December annually.
  7. Any member acting in an ungentlemanly manner to be asked to resign.
  8. Every member shall do his utmost to turn out when selected to play but if unable to do so to communicate with the team secretary not less than two days before the match.
  9. Every member must observe strict obedience to the orders of the captain during play or practice.

Annual Subs above were those agreed for the 2008 season..