Clarkson Contacts

Ashdown family tree

(some details hidden) 4MB


Information on the following family names is sought. Locations in London, Kent and East Sussex will be of most interest to me. The date of birth of the oldest known family member is shown, where available. GEDCOM files are available.


Aysshedowne (Geo. 1445)
Brockes Brooker
Ashdown (Wm. 1650)
Canning Corney
Bennett (Geo. 1834) Crowter Dann
Braybon (John 1699) Dorling Durbridge
Clarkson (Thos. 1759) Evison Ford
Holman (Robt. 1612) Gantlett Geall
Holeman (Robert 1672) Goodman Gurr
Geall (Edmond 1600) Harford Hartford
Jefferey (John 1717) Harmer Harman
Kemp (Lawrence. 1600) Ireland Risbridger
May (Stephen 1768) Sperling Tyler Tester
Mitchell (Thos. 1795) Tipping Tugwell
Owens (Salmon 1783) Tyler White