In the case of the 6809 all this takes place in one clock cycle,
typically 1 microsecond depending on the clock speed.
What happens next depends entirely on the particular instruction
code. Suppose the code is 86 'Load Acc A using immediate
Suppose the instruction code is B6 00 02 'Load Acc A using extended addressing from location 0002' and the instruction starts at 0025.
Address Bus Data Bus Cycle 1 1) [PC] Address Bus 0025 ?? 2) [0025] Data Bus 0025 B6 3) Data Bus Instruction Register 0025 B6 4) PC + 1 PC Cycle 2 5) [PC] Address Bus 0026 ?? 6) [0026] Data Bus 0026 00 7) Data Bus TempH 0026 00 8) PC + 1 PC Cycle 3 9) [PC] Address Bus 0027 ?? 10) [0027] Data Bus 0027 02 11) Data Bus TempL 0027 02 12) PC + 1 PC Cycle 4 Nothing Cycle 5 13) [Temp] Address Bus 0002 ?? 14) [0002] Data Bus 0002 93 15) Data Bus Acc A 0002 93When they are broken down like this you can see how similar each of the cycles really is. In this particular case each cycle is a memory read cycle. The timing of such a memory read is obviously important and requires the use of clock and control signals generated by the processor.
The processor outputs two clock signals Q and E. Q is used to indicate that a valid address is present on the address bus and E is used to indicate when a memory or interface device can put data on the data bus in a read cycle. A control signal R/W is used to indicate whether a read or write cycle is in progress. The following diagram shows a memory read cycle.